An associate just knocked on my door to tell me he rented the movie "Office Space" over the weekend and thought it was a realistic depiction of what life must be like "at a place where the work isn't as challenging or interesting as it is here." Come on, let's get serious.
I saw "Office Space" a few years ago. All I remember is that the Jennifer Aniston character worked in a TGIFriday's-like restaurant and had to wear 15 pieces of "flair" on her uniform -- buttons and other accessories that could get customers interested in talking to her and spending more money on fattening fried foods and overpriced watered-down drinks. I mention the 15 pieces of flair every year when I do interviewer training here for the associates who'll be interviewing law students. I tell them that here, they each get one piece of "flair." They can -- and should -- put one thing in their office that indicates some sort of outside interest. Partly to show the students that outside interests are tolerated and even encouraged here, and partly to give us a check on which students have nothing else to talk about. If a student does four interviews and I find out he mentioned the "flair" in each office, this is not a student passionate enough about the work we do. Setting traps for law students is just one of the reasons I love my job.
Every year I distribute a list of appropriate and inappropriate items of "flair" for the associates to place in their offices. Condoms -- or any birth control devices at all -- are inappropriate. Books are always an excellent choice. One of my favorite associates has a Sandy Koufax biography in his office that he's never read. He told me the response he gave once when someone asked about it. I thought it was great: "Oh, that book? Someone got it for me as a present. I haven't had time to read it yet. But I figured I'd keep in the office, because odds are the only chance I'll have to read it is if there's a blackout. And if there's a blackout, odds are I'll be in the office when it happens."
I saw "Office Space" a few years ago. All I remember is that the Jennifer Aniston character worked in a TGIFriday's-like restaurant and had to wear 15 pieces of "flair" on her uniform -- buttons and other accessories that could get customers interested in talking to her and spending more money on fattening fried foods and overpriced watered-down drinks. I mention the 15 pieces of flair every year when I do interviewer training here for the associates who'll be interviewing law students. I tell them that here, they each get one piece of "flair." They can -- and should -- put one thing in their office that indicates some sort of outside interest. Partly to show the students that outside interests are tolerated and even encouraged here, and partly to give us a check on which students have nothing else to talk about. If a student does four interviews and I find out he mentioned the "flair" in each office, this is not a student passionate enough about the work we do. Setting traps for law students is just one of the reasons I love my job.
Every year I distribute a list of appropriate and inappropriate items of "flair" for the associates to place in their offices. Condoms -- or any birth control devices at all -- are inappropriate. Books are always an excellent choice. One of my favorite associates has a Sandy Koufax biography in his office that he's never read. He told me the response he gave once when someone asked about it. I thought it was great: "Oh, that book? Someone got it for me as a present. I haven't had time to read it yet. But I figured I'd keep in the office, because odds are the only chance I'll have to read it is if there's a blackout. And if there's a blackout, odds are I'll be in the office when it happens."
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