At home waiting for a call from a client while Anonymous Wife and Kids are at Shrek 2, a movie I wouldn't have gone to see even if I could bill the cost of the tickets and popcorn to a client. So I'm killing time on the Internet while I wait. My best wishes to Evan Schaeffer and his wife on the birth of a new baby boy. And congratulations to the summer associate who, three e-mails from last night tell me, made a clumsy attempt to hit on his married secretary. Not a good idea, summer associate. One e-mail urges me to give him the benefit of the doubt, and that maybe his actions were misinterpreted. The other two describe actions it would be hard to misinterpret. I suppose I'll let him sweat over the weekend and give him a talking-to on Monday. Sad as it may seem, this is probably not a fire-able offense in the tight competition for high-quality law students. Assuming the facts as I know them now are true, it's probably a warning, some sort of probationary period, and a note in his file. And an apology (to her, not me), and a commitment to professionalism in the future. And maybe we'll make him give back his Dodgers tickets. I'll go with his secretary. She ain't bad.


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