I got an e-mail from my niece today. She's 16.
Uncle [Anonymous],I'm sure doctors have it even worse, but family members seem to think that just because I'm a lawyer I know everything about every area of law and want to help them and their stupid legal issues. At least no one in my family has gotten arrested. Yet. I wrote her back:
Mom said you might be able to help me. My boyfriend made a web page for a company and they said they would pay him $500 but they didn't. He didn't have a contract because he said they said to trust them. Can he sue them? Would you be able to be his lawyer?
[Anonymous Niece]
[Anonymous Niece],
I'd like to help you but the truth is that it would cost your boyfriend more than $500 for me to be his lawyer. And probably for anyone to be his lawyer. To get his $500, it will cost him more. He should have gotten a contract. That would make it easier. If it's just his word against the company, no one will believe him because he used to sell drugs.
Uncle [Anonymous]
P.S. Tell your mom everyone in the family knows she's drinking again.
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