I'm in before most everyone else this morning, and taking a quick walk around the hall, peeking in other people's offices at the messes they leave around. There's an office shared by three summer associates -- who've been here not more than three weeks -- that probably has upwards of a thousand sheets of paper spread across the desks in no particular order. It's really quite dismal. In the corner of the office are two (empty?) beer bottles, and what looks to be a wad of used Kleenex. A stack of perhaps two dozen inter-office mail envelopes is strewn in the vicinity of the recycle bin, with only one or two having made it inside.
Just three doors farther down the hall is an office that belongs to two first-year associates. There's twelve Diet Coke cans that I can count from outside the door, probably more I don't see, and an open file drawer with all sorts of papers sticking out so it won't close. There's a sushi container I see on one desk, still containing a few old pieces of sushi. There's a romance novel in plain sight.
One assistant's cubicle has nailpolish, nailpolish remover, and three kinds of lipstick, all right on the shelf. And a pill bottle. I didn't read the name of the prescription, but that probably shouldn't be left out where summer associates can get to it. You never know what they'll do.
Just three doors farther down the hall is an office that belongs to two first-year associates. There's twelve Diet Coke cans that I can count from outside the door, probably more I don't see, and an open file drawer with all sorts of papers sticking out so it won't close. There's a sushi container I see on one desk, still containing a few old pieces of sushi. There's a romance novel in plain sight.
One assistant's cubicle has nailpolish, nailpolish remover, and three kinds of lipstick, all right on the shelf. And a pill bottle. I didn't read the name of the prescription, but that probably shouldn't be left out where summer associates can get to it. You never know what they'll do.
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