I'm still in the office. It's really quite dreadful. Basically, a client wants to do something quicker than we can realistically get it done. But we have to try. I sent out an all-points-bulletin to the summer associates: "Partner needs help on project. Positive: Exposure to partner, challenging assignment, brownie points with the firm. Negative: You're going to be here until at least three in the morning tonight. But as compensation: You can take Friday off. Seriously." I got four replies, and took the two I liked best. Didn't need more than two. Figure I'll give a couple of kids a taste of what life can become around here every so often. It's a sea of type-A personalities, as we take our 30 minute dinner break. People screaming at each other over nothing; tempers flaring... not mine of course. I act in more subtle ways than that.
An associate came to me this afternoon and said that she wants to take 6 months and do a rotation at a pro bono organization we're affiliated with. I told her she can do that if she can balance it with a full normal workload. She decided not to take that on. Oh well. Sucks for the battered women. We had a real public relations nightmare situation a few years ago when it was discovered that one of the partners was beating his wife, and we have this great relationship with the battered women's organization, and she was going to go public and ruin the firm's reputation. We paid her off. I don't know the exact details (the chairman's probably one of the only ones who does) but it was a fair chunk of change. Came out of that partner's salary disproportionately though, which was good. He ended up taking "early retirement" and now does some Wills and Trusts work on the side. Ah, Wills and Trusts, the place old lawyers go to die.
An associate came to me this afternoon and said that she wants to take 6 months and do a rotation at a pro bono organization we're affiliated with. I told her she can do that if she can balance it with a full normal workload. She decided not to take that on. Oh well. Sucks for the battered women. We had a real public relations nightmare situation a few years ago when it was discovered that one of the partners was beating his wife, and we have this great relationship with the battered women's organization, and she was going to go public and ruin the firm's reputation. We paid her off. I don't know the exact details (the chairman's probably one of the only ones who does) but it was a fair chunk of change. Came out of that partner's salary disproportionately though, which was good. He ended up taking "early retirement" and now does some Wills and Trusts work on the side. Ah, Wills and Trusts, the place old lawyers go to die.
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