So I'm contemplating buying a vacation house. This is a new purchase I hadn't thought about until last night, when Anonymous Wife started bothering me about where we're going to go on vacation in August, and I have no good ideas. Before we had kids -- and before I had gobs of disposable income as a partner -- we'd have normal vacations, like Paris or Rome or a jungle tour in Peru. But then since the kids came, we've mostly just gone to their grandparents or to Disneyland and places like that. But now they're getting old enough that we could theoretically really go somewhere, and I can afford pretty much anything -- but taking the kids to China just doesn't sound like that much fun. They're too old to just tag along in a stroller looking at whatever we want to look at, but they're not old enough to really appreciate something exotic like Bhutan or the Galapagos Islands (both on my short list), plus they're going to want to eat all the time, and be tired, and whining, and complaining... I just can't get excited about dragging them around Prague against their will, and I'm not real confident they'd find anything interesting there anyway. So I feel like a vacation house -- somewhere to go, but where they can have their toys, and can invite friends to come too, and there'll be a pool, and we can do little day trips to places -- that might be the perfect choice. I mean, besides just leaving them somewhere and going away just me and Anonymous Wife. But if we have to have the kids with us, then it doesn't seem worth going somewhere I really want to go. So I'm thinking about a vacation house. Maybe on the East Coast somewhere. All the New York lawyers have houses in the Hamptons. I don't know what they do there, but it would sound nice to say at cocktail parties. I'll ask around and see what my colleagues think. Maybe there's some service that can take the kids on a vacation while we go to some better place. I'll ask around about that too. Or maybe either set of grandparents wants them for a couple of weeks. I'll pay them if they want.
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