I got back from the vacation late Saturday night, and got about six hours of sleep before I had to wake up and head out to the annual Summer Associate Sunday Brunch that one of my colleagues hosts each year at his place out in Rancho Palos Verdes. It's a bit of a trek, but it's a beautiful place, a gorgeous view of the water. They made a day of it for the summer associates -- brunch, some tennis and volleyball out in back of the house, and one of those Magic Castle bouncy things they rented from a local party supplies company. He catered in a beautiful spread -- smoked fish, caviar, gourmet omelet stations including lobster and shrimp, an open bar, a chocolate fountain, some berries that his staff picked off the bushes around the property that morning.
We gave out jerseys for the volleyball games, which the summers were excited about. We had a partners team and three or four summer associate teams -- they put us away pretty quickly, though. I wasn't terrible but this guy in Litigation really took us down. He kept missing his serves, or getting in everyone else's way when we were trying to reach for the ball. He's a crappy litigator too, if you ask me.
We also hired a pro volleyball player -- I can't remember his name -- to come out and give a few lessons and participate in the games. The winning team -- we did a round robin tournament -- got medals we'd had engraved beforehand, and then we had a big volleyball-shaped cake with chocolate truffles and a raspberry mousse inside. It was a good cake. The whole day was a lot of fun for the summers, and for the partners who showed up. This guy's house is magnificent though -- I'd been out there a few times before, but he gave a tour to the partners who hadn't -- the 65" TV, the movie theater with real theater seats in the basement, the indoor ice rink for his kids, the shelter out back for the dogs. He didn't let the summers inside, obviously, but they could peek in through the windows and see. At least until the staff caught them looking.
We gave out jerseys for the volleyball games, which the summers were excited about. We had a partners team and three or four summer associate teams -- they put us away pretty quickly, though. I wasn't terrible but this guy in Litigation really took us down. He kept missing his serves, or getting in everyone else's way when we were trying to reach for the ball. He's a crappy litigator too, if you ask me.
We also hired a pro volleyball player -- I can't remember his name -- to come out and give a few lessons and participate in the games. The winning team -- we did a round robin tournament -- got medals we'd had engraved beforehand, and then we had a big volleyball-shaped cake with chocolate truffles and a raspberry mousse inside. It was a good cake. The whole day was a lot of fun for the summers, and for the partners who showed up. This guy's house is magnificent though -- I'd been out there a few times before, but he gave a tour to the partners who hadn't -- the 65" TV, the movie theater with real theater seats in the basement, the indoor ice rink for his kids, the shelter out back for the dogs. He didn't let the summers inside, obviously, but they could peek in through the windows and see. At least until the staff caught them looking.
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