Someone brave enough to e-mail me asked what happens to the summers who don't take their offers. Frankly, I don't care what happens to them. They're ungrateful for everything we do for them all summer. The least they can do is pretend this is what they want to do and come work for us for a year or two. We need a bit of their time just to make back all the money we throw at them all summer. The truth is that I see our old summers who didn't take their offers all the time -- behind the counter at McDonalds, picking up trash on the street, living in the park, begging for change on the bus (not that I ever take the bus, but I've been told).
There are two kinds of people who don't take the offers: (1) People who worked somewhere else and realize they can't hack it here so they'd better go there. Usually in some second-rate city like Boston or Chicago. (2) People who think they have it all figured out, and that they're going to find some imaginary job where they can have it all -- money, a life, friends... it doesn't work that way. Most people would kill for a job that paid them this much, gave them the occupational prestige this job has, and was, besides the hours, really pretty straightforward work. No heavy lifting, doesn't have to be much travel, you get a secretary, you get vacation days you can occasionally take. But they think there's something better out there. Some perfect world where people are happy, rich, and at peace with themselves and the choices they've made. Well, no one's at peace. No one really, truly likes what they do -- I mean to the point where they would do it for no money. If they say so, they're lying. Maybe movie actors and sports stars. But if you're at a law firm you're clearly not pretty enough to be a movie actor or uneducated enough to be a sports star. So this is as good as it gets.
I tell you, that vacation really renewed my spirits. My mood before getting away for a while was down -- I was getting skeptical about this life. But not this week. This week I'm back where I need to be. Ready to help some rich people.
There are two kinds of people who don't take the offers: (1) People who worked somewhere else and realize they can't hack it here so they'd better go there. Usually in some second-rate city like Boston or Chicago. (2) People who think they have it all figured out, and that they're going to find some imaginary job where they can have it all -- money, a life, friends... it doesn't work that way. Most people would kill for a job that paid them this much, gave them the occupational prestige this job has, and was, besides the hours, really pretty straightforward work. No heavy lifting, doesn't have to be much travel, you get a secretary, you get vacation days you can occasionally take. But they think there's something better out there. Some perfect world where people are happy, rich, and at peace with themselves and the choices they've made. Well, no one's at peace. No one really, truly likes what they do -- I mean to the point where they would do it for no money. If they say so, they're lying. Maybe movie actors and sports stars. But if you're at a law firm you're clearly not pretty enough to be a movie actor or uneducated enough to be a sports star. So this is as good as it gets.
I tell you, that vacation really renewed my spirits. My mood before getting away for a while was down -- I was getting skeptical about this life. But not this week. This week I'm back where I need to be. Ready to help some rich people.
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