Some questions in the comments I may as well answer.

Q. What do you think about people you meet during on-campus interviews who tell you that they want to litigate when you damn well [know?] that the only reason why they are saying that is because firms are not hiring as many transactional attorneys?

A. Who says firms aren't hiring as many transactional attorneys? But more importantly who says we care what the students say? They have no idea, and we can manipulate it however we need to over the summer. Need more associates who want to do litigation? Well then all of a sudden all the litigation assignments we give out are going to be as good as it gets ("want to go to court?") and all the transactional assignments are going to be as dull as we can make them ("Here's a stack of documents. I think there are some typos. Find them!"). Suddenly, surprise surprise, they all want to be litigators. And it works in the reverse too. Want to do some document review? Or sit in on a negotiation? Your choice! Like it matters what they think they want to do. Come on.

Q. What do you think about law students that tell you: "I want to be a corporate/securities/M&A lawyers" when you know perfectly well that they have absolutely no idea what any of those areas entails" (lawschool seeming to focus solely on the analysis of appeals cases).

A. First I tell them to learn some English grammar, and that we like to try for singular/plural agreement in our documents. Again, I don't care what they say, although they get bonus points for convincing me they do at least think they have some idea of what they want to do and can sell me on it. We know they don't know what securities lawyers do. We know that first week of the summer when we tell them all about the '40 Act group and then ask who wants some assignments from them and everyone runs for cover.

Q. Does the secretary pay for the candy or does the firm shell out for it?

A. I assume she pays, but if she submits a receipt it's not like anyone even looks at them. She'd get reimbursed. Hell, I get reimbursed for a new piece of office furniture every year and I just take the old ones home.


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