The week between Christmas and New Years is always a slow one, but it's now when you can tell which associates really have their priorities straight. We don't mind if our associates have families. We tolerate it. But it's nice to see them in the office this week, so we know the firm is really what matters. I see people leaving at 3:00 and I start wondering whether their heart is in it, and whether they'll stand for it come crunch time when we really need them. This isn't just a job, it's a career.
Anonymous Wife called me to wish me a Merry Christmas. I think she misses me. She asked me if I want to spend New Years together as a family. I told her I would like that, unless something comes up in the office.
Anonymous Wife called me to wish me a Merry Christmas. I think she misses me. She asked me if I want to spend New Years together as a family. I told her I would like that, unless something comes up in the office.
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