They Write Letters

Dapper former Miami US Attorney Marcos Jimenez, now an attorney at Kenny Nachwalter, has a letter today in the Miami Herald:
Marcos, don't take this the wrong way, but The Herald's editorials are the equivalent of newspaper pablum. Getting mad at a Herald editorial is like getting angry with cream of wheat.It was disappointing to read the Sept. 11 editorial The real damage caused by 9/11, which compared the murder of almost 3,000 innocent individuals on 9/11 to the ''most lasting damage'' our government has inflicted on the U.S. Constitution and its freedoms. Certainly there is room for respectful debate about our government's response to 9/11. But if you have spoken to families who lost loved ones in the attacks, you might not make that comparison.
Many dedicated and brave people in our government and military have sacrificed greatly to protect us since 9/11. Theirs is the response that matters. Since 9/11, through their efforts, we as a nation have made strides that should be recognized: We have so far prevented further attacks; we have arrested and convicted terrorists in our country; we have killed or captured important leaders of al Qaeda; we have improved our security at airports, seaports and crucial infrastructure points; and we have served notice to the world that any attacks will be met with grave force. Those are responses that matter.
Methinks Marcos is more than happy to give up some constitutional liberties so Daddy Bush can make sure we all sleep safe.
Meanwhile, 40 percent of Republicans and a third of all Americans believe Saddam Hussein was personally responsible for 9/11.
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