A Crunchy Granola Litigator?

The Herald profiles Broward employment litigator Stuart Rosenfeldt. He takes an holistic approach to litigation, something we could all learn from:

JB:Now, some Average Joe is going to want to know why you think it's good for him that you represent corporations, big employers, as opposed to the little guy. Tell him why your work helps him, too.

SR: I have represented individuals and occasionally do. But you're right. Now my practice is almost exclusively corporate. But here's why it helps both sides: I teach employers how to follow the law. I teach them holistic employee relations, that it's a round world, that they need to keep in mind they're dealing with humans in their employees, and that even though the law does not require them to show respect, if they do respect their employees both sides will get along better and find themselves in court less often.

Nice sentiments, Stu!

Still, I wonder how effective this is. If Stu can counsel an employer, facing a legitimate issue regarding an employee, to mediate and settle -- rather than reflexively litigate -- he may be onto something.


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