Your Ticky-Tack Truck Is Parked Next to My Mega-Yacht!

Following up on Judge Schwartz' analysis-free edict regarding ticky-tack houses in Coral Gables and the unwanted trucks who park in front of them, the Third DCA once again returns to the curious habits of those who dwell in The City Beautiful.
This time, city resident Victor Bared had the unneighborly notion to park his 122-foot mega-yacht along his 100-foot seawall, thus placing 22 feet of the yacht's nose into his neighbor' Yife Tien's adjacent 100-foot seawall.
Now that's not very nice. But, according to the Third, in an opinion by former right-wing activist Frank Shepherd, this is perfectly legal, as the city ordinance in question does not bar such infringements as long as the mega-yacht is moored to homeowner's property.
You can read the opinion here.
So if Mr. Bared decides to purchase The Queen Mary II, he can park it along 900 feet of his neighbors' sea walls so long as it is moored to Mr. Bared's house?
I hope Tim Crutchfield, Mr. Tien's attorney, advises him to purchase a Monster Truck, with giant wheels at least 20 feet tall, so he can park it right outside Mr. Bared's mansion.
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