Jeff Fischer Fights For Chrissie Evert's Honor (Kinda)

Although the divorce proceedings between golfer Greg Norman and his former wife are almost concluded, the former wife has scheduled the deposition of Norman's new love Chris Evert, for December. That does not sit well with top WPB divorce attorney Jeff Fischer, who is seeking to block the deposition in its entirety:
So I assume Fischer filed a know-nothing affidavit from Evert. But why can't she be cross-examined on her lack of knowledge, and on her know-nothing affidavit?Norman is asking a judge to bar Andrassy's attorneys from taking Evert's deposition, now scheduled for mid-December.
West Palm Beach attorney Jeff Fischer said in court records that Evert has no knowledge of the three remaining issues in the case: the split of a tax liability regarding Norman's jet; Andrassy's claims that Norman delayed the divorce and cost her nearly $1 million; and a motion Fischer referenced Wednesday in which Andrassy accused Norman of not properly marketing their multimillion-dollar Jupiter Island mansion now up for sale.
"The remainder of this litigation, which is confined to three narrow legal issues, should not be used to annoy the former husband (Norman) and Ms. Evert," Fischer wrote.
Norman and Adrassy's 26-year marriage ended officially in September, when a judge signed a final divorce decree.
The settlement terms are confidential, but court records suggest that Andrassy may be receiving proceeds from the sale of the Jupiter Island mansion.
Attorneys for the ex-couple will appear in court next week, when a judge is expected to rule on the issue.
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