Peter Spillis Wins Big One

Ted Leopold, not so much:
An attorney representing the widow of a man who was killed in a 1999 construction accident pleaded with a jury to award her and the seven children he left behind nearly $22 million for their loss.First off, the article says "Peter Spillas" but I assume it's George Hartz attorney Pete Spillis?A jury on Thursday agreed they deserved nothing.
After deliberating for more than 10 hours over two days, the jury cleared Hubbard Construction of any wrongdoing in the death of 41-year-old Ray Schoberg.
A clearly shaken Claudette Schoberg vowed to appeal.
"I know this is wrong. This isn't justice," the Riviera Beach woman said, after leaving the Palm Beach County courtroom.
Pollyanna Schoberg echoed her stepmother's sentiments.
"I just wanted justice to be served and for Hubbard to be held responsible for their actions," the 26-year-old said. "No matter what happened here, we'll never have my daddy back, he'll never hold his grandchildren, but Hubbard needs to accept responsibility."
Attorney Peter Spillas, who represented the company that is also known as East Coast Paving, said Schoberg's death was a tragic accident.
Schoberg was crushed to death when a 13-ton road-paving machine he was operating tipped over as it rolled down a steep embankment on a two-lane road in South Bay.
Attorney Theodore Leopold argued that the traffic roller had been jury-rigged to keep it operating.
Schoberg, who hadn't been trained to operate the machine, wasn't told that two employees had refused to operate it, claiming it was uncontrollable.
However, Spillas countered that after listening to nearly seven days of testimony the jury obviously disagreed.
"There was nothing to indicate the machine was unsafe, and I think the jury saw that," he said.
Second, does anyone know what happened here? Very rare to see Ted take a complete loss.
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