Young Scotty Dimond in Today's DBR

Before all you haters start in, let me preface this by saying Scott and his firm are great and I have a lot of respect for those guys.
But Scotty, you're about to be photographed for a big story about your case involving auction-rate securities, which I previously noted here.
Incidentally, that raises a question: does every local paper have to cover this case? Who's next -- Entertainment Schmooze for Jews covering the ruined bat mitzvah angle? Sheesh, who the heck is your press person?
Anyway, this is serious stuff. You have a very good case, and you are an excellent attorney.
Yet that picture makes you look like you are about 18 years old! Was this taken at the local high school? At least borrow your Dad's tie! Come on, man, this is a chance to really make an impression. Didn't someone have a jacket available to loan you for the photo shoot?
Here's what I do. When talented DBR staff photog A.M. Holt is on the way over, I slip on the extra tie and jacket I keep in my office. That way I LOOK LIKE A LAWYER, not like I'm about to run some papers over to Shook Hardy.
I tell you, the kids today....
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