Joe Klock Goes to Bat for Katherine Harris (Again)

I had to laugh at this one.
WSJ's Law Blog is reporting that lovable Justice-name-mangler Joe Klock rushes to the defense of Katherine Harris in the new HBO biopic "Recount":
According to Joseph Klock, the Epstein Becker lawyer who represented Harris, then the Florida Secretary of State, before the U.S. Supreme Court in Bush v Gore, Harris (not a lawyer, sadly) continues to be unfairly portrayed in the media. In an email from Klock’s PR rep, Harris continues to be portrayed as “misplaced socialite and power monger.” Klock, according to the email, believes that if Harris “had been a man, she would never have been subjected to the ridicule she received as the cartoonish ‘air head’ with no credentials, substance or ability to think on her own.”For me the funniest part was that Klock has a PR rep. It's about time, Joe.
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