"East Wind, Rain."
Sheesh, who ordered all the buckets of rain on our golden streets? Too bad the City couldn't afford umbrellas for our downtown ambassadors; they're all hanging out at Walgreens or Stabucks right now. Well, at least the planters that the City dropped in apparently random spots around downtown will get nice and wet. I wonder what our homeless will be doing in them later? Naah, better not go there.
Meanwhile, it says here that Judge Highsmith is planning on retiring. No, you haters, he wasn't already retired. A decent and fair-minded judge, IMO. Can you say that about all our federal judiciary?
In other judge news, apparently Justice Cantero has a bright sunny future, all the bootlickers quoted in the DBR say here. Anyone else agree? Better get on the record now before your absence is duly noted.
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