Happy Birthday, Judge P!

Let's end this week on a happy note, shall we? It's time to pay tribute, say thanks, and extend our best wishes to Judge Palermo on his 90th birthday:
One of Miami's longest-serving federal judges is being honored at the downtown courthouse for his upcoming 90th birthday.Hey, don't forget Mayor of West Miami.
A reception was planned Friday at the new Ferguson U.S. courthouse for Magistrate Judge Peter Palermo. He has served as a magistrate judge since 1971. His actual birthday is Sunday.
Palermo says he was one of the first magistrate judges appointed in the country to help ease the caseload on district judges. Magistrates generally hear pretrial matters such as arraignments and often preside over civil cases. Palermo says he handles about 50 or 60 civil cases a year.
Palermo has lived in Miami-Dade County since 1947. He was a state prosecutor and a lawyer in private practice before joining the federal bench.
No wonder he's got so many great war stories.....
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