Professor Alan Swan -- RIP

Wow, this is a huge loss:
So Delgado not only was going too fast, endangering not just Professor Swan but other vehicles as well, and then leaves the scene of the accident? Despicable.Miami police, which has not officially released Swan's name as the victim, said the collision occurred as the couple was traveling north on the highway in their Honda, headed toward the entrance to Interstate 95.
At Southwest 16th Avenue, police said motorist Juan Carlos Delgado, 31, also traveling north at a high rate of speed, collided into Swan's Honda, causing the car to lose control. It's unclear who was behind the wheel, Swan or his wife.
Delgado has been charged with leaving the scene of an accident that involved a death, said police spokesman Willie Moreno.
Celebrate life, dear readers. Despite our best efforts to control and minimize risk, death is amazingly random, nonselective, and final.
RIP Professor Swan -- may the road rise to meet you.
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