What A Long Strange Trip It's Been

This is more Rumpy's territory, but I have had several civil and pleasant dealings with Jack Thompson over the years and found him to be perfectly professional. So it it is with some regret that we receive the news that Jack will be no longer be among us (as an attorney, at least):
Coral Gables attorney and anti-porn crusader Jack Thompson should be disbarred and not allowed to apply for readmission for at least 10 years, The Florida Bar recommended at a hearing Wednesday.I know this isn't the end (from Jack's perspective, for sure). I did get a kick out of this part:Miami-Dade Circuit Court Judge Dava Tunis, the referee overseeing a Bar grievance case against Thompson, has already recommended that he be found guilty of 27 Bar rule violations. Tunis held a hearing Wednesday to help her determine what penalty she will recommend the Florida Supreme Court impose against Thompson.
Web Extra:
Thompson's formal objections
“It’s a privilege to practice law in the state of Florida, it is not a right,” Bar counsel Sheila Tuma told Tunis. “If you look at case law in the state of Florida, enhanced disbarment is appropriate.”
A typical disbarment generally allows an attorney to reapply for admission to the Bar after five years.
At the hearing Wednesday, Tuma also submitted an affidavit from Lawrence Kellogg, a partner with Tew Cardenas, that she said indicated Thompson has sent that firm more than 100 e-mails criticizing Kellogg and partner Alberto Cardenas since December.That's it? I get more than an hundred emails a day offering great refinancing terms or certain pharmaceutical enhancements, but maybe that's just me.
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