Skip Campbell Represents Clients Who Actually Attended A Rob Thomas Concert

I love Joan Fleischman's column in the Miami Herald. She always finds some interesting nugget out there, usually involving the law or some local yokle. I didn't understand it when they moved and bumped her column to make room for Ana whatever-her-name-is, although I have to admit Ana turned out better than I thought.
Today Joan discovers that Rob Thomas, the punky lead singer for Matchbox Twenty, is actually a dangerous drumstick-thrower:
Lisa Gelbard, wife of Broward neurosurgeon Dr. Steven Gelbard, is suing rock singer Rob Thomas of Matchbox Twenty fame.My first question is why the hail a couple their age is at this concert in the first place? Rob Thomas? Oy. And they got seats close enough to the stage to get hit by a drumstick?Lisa, 43, says she was hurt at a December '05 concert at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino. Thomas was on tour -- without MB 20 -- to promote his first solo album. A member of Thomas' band threw a drumstick into the audience, and it hit ''about her face,'' says Lisa's complaint, filed by attorney Walter ''Skip'' Campbell Jr. She suffered a cervical herniated disk, Campbell says.
Steve, 51, who attended the concert with Lisa, is party to the suit, filed against Thomas' company, Bidnis. He suffered ''the loss of his wife's services, support, consortium and the care and comfort of her society.'' They have been married since '02.
Please, people of a certain age, do me a favor and stick to the Styx and REO Speedwagon moldy oldie shows, where there's no danger of anything dramatic or even particularly interesting happening on stage.
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