Trial in July

Not quite "Moonlight in Vermont," in fact does anyone really likes the sound of that phrase -- "trial in July," sorta like "prostate is enlarged" -- something you just don't want to hear. Anyways, our boy Billy Shields does a smart curtain-raiser on the Marlins trial set for bench trial before poor Judge Cohen on Thursday:
What will happen in the highly publicized trial set to start Thursday is anyone’s guess, but most of it will center on the baseball stadium.Oh Billy, Billy oh Billy, say it ain't so -- a trial about a baseball team and you're going for the "at bat" imagery. I hope your editors made you put that one in. He continues:
Cohen devised an interlocking burden of proof for the bench trial.
Braman bats first.
His battery of lawyers, which include Coral Gables solo practitioner Gonzalo Dorta and Colson Hicks Eidson partners Roberto Martinez and Paul C. Huck Jr., must convince the judge that the private interest served by the stadium deal would serve a substantial private commercial interest.This doesn't make all that much sense, but assuming these burdens of proof are accurate, I'm betting Braman sustains his burden and Sandy and his bullpen does not. BTW, when is Scott Ponce finally going to get some ink? Sandy, step aside and let your star slugger take a turn at bat (there I can do it too Billy)!
If Braman can prove that, the onus shifts to the governments and the Marlins, who must prove to Cohen that the stadium deal was approved with the interest of a “paramount public purpose” in mind.
Those involved or those observing, please send your reports my way -- anonymity guaranteed.
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