SFL Friday -- It's The End of The World As We Know It

And Norman Braman feels fine:
''With a Wall Street Journal headline this morning saying it's the worst economy with no help in sight, how could anyone even think of spending these type of dollars for a for-profit business?''So now Judge Cohen gets to deliver the final blow, given that the Florida Supremes have finally ruled on that community redevelopment monies case from Escambia County. Hooray!
The clear result: better schools, more roads, vitally needed money for police, fire and city services, and of course more money for the homeless -- all by spending hundreds of millions on a baseball stadium for a financially-shaky and unpopular privately-owned baseball team:
Replied Diaz: "Everyone's focused on baseball. But the reality here is, it is really about affordable housing and infrastructure, and parks and the homeless.''HAHAHAHAHA, boy that mayor of ours really knows how to tell a joke!
Oh fudge it, I'm going windsurfing. If I can drag myself back to the office later maybe I'll check in on you all and possibly even do some legal work, but if I don't all you ham-and-eggers, kingmakers, and other masters of the universe have a great weekend.
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