Antonio Ginatta Is One Smart Attorney.

Good morning dear readers, and how was your weekend?
Well it's a glorious Monday, the weather is cool and breezy, and -- waddya know -- Ted Ginn is a Miami Dolphin.
Did any of you humpers get out there for the Herald Hunt? If you did, you got beat by Miami attorney Antonio Ginatta, who had to solve a ridiculously absurd final clue but who won nonetheless:
Now that's mighty impressive Antonio. The last time I participated in the Herald Hunt, it was still called the Tropic Hunt, and they held it in Coconut Grove.This year's winner: a team of five Miami Central High School alumni in their mid-30s, some of whom flew in to town just for the Hunt.
''It was a lot of work, a lot of stress,'' said Antonio Ginatta, a Miami attorney and member of the winning team, which also included Frank Estadt, a Phoenix restaurateur; Greg Nguyen, a Miami high school teacher; Beesham A. Seecharan, a New York attorney; and David Jones, a Miamian who quit the Hunt about an hour before his teammates cracked the code.
Suffice it to say that the final solution involved giving a name, a telephone number and map coordinates to a person in a pink flamingo T-shirt standing on the corner of Northeast Second Avenue and Fifth Street.
If I recall correctly, Tom Fiedler and I had smoked a big doobie around lunchtime and I got lost somewhere near Peacock Park, looking for giant inflatable cue balls, where I wound up taking a nap until it the whole thing was good and over.
So yeah Tony, that's a big improvement on my performance.
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