They Write Letters...

Oy, that sinking feeling in my stomach is not a rock-hard bagel; still I can always turn to the Miami Herald letters page for some comic relief. Let's see....
What's this, uber-DUI lawyer extraordinaire Bobby Reiff, boldly stepping in the middle of the raging and deeply bitter dispute over beach clean up salaries:
Bobby's right, that is a lot of money, perhaps double the starting salaries of assistant prosecutors or public defenders or teachers, for that matter. The pay should be dramatically less.The Oct. 6 article Political deal gave rise to tax twist notes that Miami Beach received $543,000 for six new positions to clean up the beach. That would be $90,500 each per person.
And people wonder why we don't trust the government with spending our tax dollars.
Government is not the answer; it is the problem.
But Bobby, if government is the problem here, what's the alternative -- we all pick up our own beach trash? In South Florida? Anyone who's volunteered at one of the Baynanza clean ups can attest to how well that will work out.
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