2008 -- A Visual Look Back (These Are A Few of Our Favorite Things)

Well kiddies it's been a fun ride, what with law firm layoffs, Madoff, the economies, homicidal Santas, and that whole real estate thing.
You can get a feel for how crappy things have been by looking at the ABA's excellent list of Top Ten Legal Stories of 2008.
Still, I have confidence that 2009 will be a great year. Of course, maybe that's just the holiday afterglow talking.
Either way, your humblest and crappiest South Florida legal blogger will be taking a short hiatus, but we will be back better, bigger and stronger than ever on 1/5/09.
Thanks Rump and David for your support and collegiality, thanks to the ABA for noticing us, thank you all the tipsters, princess-lovers, fakers, lurkers, Carver chronics, movie/music/pop culture freaks, and of course all the commenters who keep this thing humming, and a very big thank you to everyone for reading and making this blog what it is.
Happy New Year Everybody!
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