Miami Herald Frank Jimenez Editorial Watch

Oh man am I sick of this story.
Still, the news keeps coming.
Let's see, we've had the St. Pete Times weigh in on the Frank Jimenez appointment mess.
And now the Palm Beach Post:
The worst kind of judicial politics may place an unqualified person on the Florida Supreme Court. Blame Gov. Crist and some of his allies.Trust me, it goes downhill from there. The Post concludes:
Gov. Crist dismisses the idea that the fix is in, saying that his choice will surprise people. The real and sad surprise has been how far the governor is willing to go to show far-right conservatives, through his Supreme Court choices, that the GOP base could be comfortable with him as a presidential candidate. He filled two high court vacancies with high-profile social conservatives; Mr. Jimenez could be even more extreme. Either way, the commission's credibility is gone. Those commissioners who backed Mr. Jimenez should resign. And if the governor picks Mr. Jimenez, the choice should be challenged in court as illegal.Given that a native South Floridian is involved, do you think the Herald might weigh in on this someday?
To be fair, they are appropriately focused on something that is on the mind of all citizens of South Florida....the Minnesota recount. There's only so many things they can keep their eye on.
Well, as they say a day late and a dollar...., but hey at least the Herald attempted to express an opinion:
Meanwhile, Crist "responds" to the flawed process charge:By compelling the commission to bend the rules, Gov. Crist taints the process. The commission is allowed to submit six names to the governor. However, after rigorously screening dozens of candidates, the commission settled on five names. In other words, if the JNC had determined that a sixth candidate was qualified, that person would have been included on the original list.
To suddenly produce a sixth name after Gov. Crist selects the only Hispanic on the list and asks for more ''diversity'' isn't the way real diversity works. Diversity means giving everyone an equal chance, not cherry-picking the only one you want.
Asked if the lawyers' complaint had merit, Crist, a lawyer as well, said ``I don't think so. I'll leave that to the judicial branch.''Crist added: "And good luck with that, by the time I get done with them."
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