SFL Friday -- Holiday Windsurfing Edition

So there I was, my eyes locked and staring directly at Judge Altonaga, as I smiled slightly and prayed for a favorable ruling.
"You can have this table, SFL, we were just leaving."
"Thanks Judge. Have a nice weekend."
What -- you thought we were in court? I'm a civil litigator, don't be silly. I was talking about lunch this afternoon at La Loggia.
Well it's nearly 2:30 so that means it's time for me to start packing up for a nice long weekend of windsurfing. Don't forget, Monday is the first day of Chanukah. I hope all you big-firmers have your hours logged in for the year, because I can feel everything gradually shutting down.
Lawyers on vacation, judges on vacation, economy on vacation, key indicators in decline.....oh hail, I'm outta here.
Let's schedule that depo the second week of January, ok?
Have a great weekend everybody!
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