JPK To Helm Greenberg Traurig?

I kid I kid -- he joined a small firm, remember?
Actually, it's Cesar giving way to Richard Rosenbaum:
Wow -- no more Cesar at the helm of GT, Steel Hector gone, Fine Jacobson gone, Finley Kumble gone, David Paul gone -- boy I'm starting to feel pretty darn old.Greenberg Traurig's Cesar Alvarez, who has presided over a more than four-fold increase in the Miami-based law firm's ranks since becoming chief executive 12 years ago, will hand over the reins to President Richard A. Rosenbaum next year.
Alvarez, 61, will become the executive chairman, devoting his time to the firm's growth as well as changes affecting the industry, the firm said in a statement.
You did good, Mr. Alvarez.
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