SFL Friday -- Coffee Is For Closers Edition

Well folks, it's that time of the week and I hope you all are geared up for the weekend -- I certainly am.
Call me old-fashioned, but the last thing I would want is for some shirtless person to serve me a cup of coffee at a restaurant in the morning -- woman or guy.
Hail, I have enough trouble getting through the doom and gloom of the morning paper and stock reports; additional distractions I do not need. I guess the more interesting news is that in that small rural town in Maine over 150 applicants showed up for only a couple of positions. Things are tough, people (unless you operate an online dating site).
Meanwhile, I suppose there is some Augustus Gloop-like lesson to be learned from this poor man's plight.
That lesson, for me anyways -- coffee is for closers.
What else -- Akerman's Michael Goldberg states the obvious, and I see that Judge Eig got reprimanded over some strong remarks he made to a teenager. Personally they don't seem that out of line, but I guess I would want to see more context.
Who the hail cares -- it's Friday.
Speaking only for myself, I plan to continue my diet regimen and work on my body language -- although all the science shows you make yourself happy by making others happy first.
Sheesh, is that all you ever think about? I meant this list of Hands On Miami projects so you can keep yourself busy and help others over the weekend, too.
Don't be surprised, but I'm checking out to do some early Friday windsurfing -- be good folks and have a great weekend!
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