Glenn Garvin Lives in Tuckahoe And Thinks Dr. Arthur Harmon Makes Some Valid Points.

I finally figured it out -- Glenn Garvin is stuck in Season Six of Maude.
The Herald TV columnist-turned-editorialist inhabits a world that is straight out of that groundbreaking 70s sitcom, filled with "wacky" limousine liberals, hippies lurking under every bed, Feminazis and long-haired draft-dodgers who seek to impose their "batty" PC cultural values on the silent majority of decent, hardworking hard-hat Americans.
In Glenn's world, every administrator and "lefty" academic seeks to impose their "1960s political orthodoxies on a younger generation," George W. Bush is just like President Lincoln, fascism is a left-wing rather than right-wing phenomenon, the 70s-era Fairness Doctrine is making a comeback, the peace symbol is really secret code for the Waffen-SS, and John Lennon was a womanizing, abusive druggie.
In other words, he's stuck in Tuckahoe with Maude and Walter Findlay.
In particular episode #126, "The Gay Bar," in which Arthur organizes a local group of neighbors who are opposed to the opening of a gay bar in Tuckahoe. As I recall, Arthur's group pickets the bar with signs that bear the acronym of Arthur's anti-gay group, Fathers Against Gays Society.
That's right -- F.A.G.S. For Tuckahoe.
Listen Glenn, I had as big a crush as you did on the luscious Adrienne Barbeau.
Or was it Mrs. Naugatuck, I can't remember now.
But dude, seriously, you have got to move on.
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