SFL Friday -- Before The Flood

Didn't this week start with the weather all dark and rainy? Why does Friday feel like Monday?
But that's ok, it's always windsurfing weather somewhere -- you just have to find it like. say, in China.
But I hope you stay dry and do something productive and fun this weekend.
Did you see Jeremy Alters just won a billion dollar verdict.....against the Cuban government. Could you imagine if at the end of the hearing Judge Adrien denied it or granted a JNOV?
It's nice to win, Jeremy, but it's no fun when the other side won't put up a fight!
Me, I plan the usual diversions. First and foremost is to pump those endorphins, then I plan to learn more about something called a "Marinelli bend," study how certain people hold their glasses, and of course I will probably wind up in Davie gazing at a Lover's Moon.
Actually, I do plan to sit still long enough to watch the new Churchill war movie on HBO, Into The Storm. What can I say, Churchill war porn always does it for me, folks.
Hey look -- none other than our very own Glenn Garvin makes the front page of HuffPost! Trust me, Glenn, more exposure for you is probably not a good thing.
And finally, I urge you to wrap your hands around something delicious this weekend -- I always do!
Have a nice one, folks.
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