SFL Friday -- Wet Hot American Weekend.

Well it's Memorial Day weekend and I am sure many of you have already left your offices for parts unknown, to the east, west, south and north somewhat, as someone famous once said.
But it's almost summer, so that means movies, right?
Like the Star Trek reboot, which in my view captured the tone, humor, and humanity of the original while injecting fresh blood and some real vitality back into the franchise.
To paraphrase Spock -- live long and prosper, Schlomo.
Still, let's hope the weather clears so we can have a little fun outside.
What -- would you rather camp inside Magistrate Judge Brown's courtroom like those Akerman attorneys John Pacenti wrote about?
Isn't this line classic Judge Brown:
The dispute spilled out at an April 20 hearing — the third on the discovery issue in about a month — when Brown found himself parenting the two sides, warning the attorneys that he was tired of wasting time in the case.That whole mess is one big triple-oy.
“It’s not like you are paying rent for this courtroom,” the magistrate said.
He said he had little sympathy for the defendants, but “I’m not throwing them to the wolves here either.” He also pointedly criticized the government, saying, “I think the SEC is far more interested in discovery than they are in bringing this case to a conclusion.”
Plus, FSU has no hope next year!
(Sorry, judge.)
Anyways, I'm heading out early for some rainy-day windsurfing -- you all know I love a little moderate chop.
And I'll probably be paying a visit to my masseuse, gaining some sympathy weight, carefully watching someone special eat lots of chocolate, and, as always, putting my hands on something especially delicious -- it is a holiday weekend, after all.
I'll probably be around on Monday, so see you then!
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