Honey, Could You Scrub My Metadata?

I don't know about you, but I am sick to death of hearing about "metadata."
Note to prominent BigLaw attorney I chatted with the other day at Gordon Biersch -- there is nothing more boring than a metadata war story.
Seriously, tell me about your brilliant cross-examination, your last mediation, your car, your kids, your house, your vacation -- anything.
Just spare me that metadata anecdote and how clever and sneaky you were and how opposing counsel was completely clueless. I could care less whether you "mined" somebody's files or not.
Also, being able to barely fake your way through a ten minute conversation about metadata does not make you "cool" -- it makes you a dork.
I remember these conversations about "email" discovery back when those new doohickeys started to penetrate to the partner level at law firms. Everybody needed to have a seminar on how to go after company "emails" and how you can recover them and draft discovery directed to them, and how to introduce them into evidence etc. It was all very exciting!
That's what you metadata fetishists sound like today.
Anyways, see you all at the teleconference!
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