What Did You Do During Your "Gap Period"?

Sheesh, I didn't even know I had a "gap period," but the 11th ruled today that FedEx employees cannot proceed on a class-wide basis for failing to be paid during their "gap period."
A fairly standard opinion, though I think they went off the rails a bit on the quantum meruit ruling.
Still, for many of us the question is what work did we do during our "work period":
You know Facebook is no longer cool when the parents are way more active on it than the kids.Time spent on social networking sites has doubled in only a year, according to a 2009 study by Nielson Online. Time spent on Facebook has jumped to 13.9 billion this year as opposed to 1.7 billion last year, which is a 700 percent increase.
Twitter saw a 3,712 percent year-over-year increase between this year and last and Myspace users spent 384 million minutes viewing videos on the site.
Kids these days, right? Well, not so fast. According to the study, the greatest growth for Facebook has come from the 35-to-49-year-old demographic. Not to mention, twice as many 50-to-64-year-olds created profiles for the site than the under-18 age group.
Finally, for you Jack Thompson junkies, if you were curious to know his views on Professor Gates' arrest, his column is here.
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