SFL Friday -- School's Out, Plebs! (Until Monday)
So how many of you survived the first week?
Let me rephrase -- how many of you survived the first week sober?
Ok, so none of us did.
Still, it's Friday afternoon and that means no one is paying any attention to what they are working on anymore.
Just file the motion or response you have been editing and cut out already! The partner's gone, the judge is gone, the clerks are there but they stopped working, opposing counsel won't read anything until Monday, possibly Tuesday -- get the hail out of here.
Me, I plan to depart imminently to windsurf the stormy seas.
Don't understand my watery attraction? Let me paint a verbal picture.....
Oh hail I better just quote Byron:
HERE be none of Beauty's daughters
- With a magic like Thee;
- And like music on the waters
- Is thy sweet voice to me:
- When, as if its sound were causing
- The charméd ocean's pausing,
- The waves lie still and gleaming,
- And the lull'd winds seem dreaming:
- And the midnight moon is weaving
- Her bright chain o'er the deep,
- Whose breast is gently heaving
- As an infant's asleep:
- So the spirit bows before thee
- To listen and adore thee;
- With a full but soft emotion,
- Like the swell of Summer's ocean.
So the gear's packed, the gin is iced, and I am on my way. As usual, I plan to spend the weekend deeply gazing at something, working diligently on my rituals, and trying to figure out where I put that old bean bag chair.
Also, don't forget to vote for Hands On or your favorite charity in this nice cookie-sponsored giveaway contest here.
Have a great weekend everybody!
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