A Tale of Two Lawyers And President Obama -- OK, Three Lawyers (UPDATED).

Two South Florida lawyers had very different reactions.
Here's one from Kirk Wagar in today's NYT:
Among the 450 people who attended was also RRA attorney Mike Pancier, who despite his evidently conservative leanings still met with The Prez.“We could have the president here twice a month and we’d have great events,” said Kirk Wagar, a Miami lawyer who served as a finance chairman of Mr. Obama’s campaign in Florida last year. “People are very invested in him.”
Mr. Wagar was among the 450 people who gathered Monday evening to see Mr. Obama in his first visit to Miami since taking office. The back-to-back events for the party’s senatorial and Congressional campaign committees raised $1.5 million, aides said, and provided the president a chance to be energized by a friendly audience.
He had a slightly different reaction:
So you may ask, "Cigar Mike, why are you there and why do you shake his hand?" Simple. I'm there cause I have connections and I will not pass up a photographic opportunity such as being able to photograph the President of the United States. Why do I shake his hand? Well, he's my President, even if I don't agree with him and frankly, I wanted to show the leftist nuts out there that unlike them, we can show respect for the President even if we don't agree with him. Their memories are too short, but we remember how they treated GW Bush. But as they say, tomorrow it will all be history and I'll continue my fight to keep the Dems policies from becoming law by focusing on the real issues out there and not on the ridiculous like those birther folks that were across the street from the hotel.SFDB gives his take here.
It was my turn to meet the President and I told him “it is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. President.” I shook his hand, he told me “thank you for all your help,” a photo was taken, and I was on my way as the next person got his turn to take his photo with the President.
I'm glad Mike shook the President's hand, and glad he does not support the Birthers.
BTW, I certainly would have shook W's hand, though I doubt I would have my firm help sponsor the event (hey, times are tough!).
UPDATE -- Mike was kind enough to share a few quality pics he took at the event, which I have added above.
That last one Mike -- oy, do libs know how to party!
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