SFL Friday -- Happy Halloween, Plebes!

Well you know what they say -- "Halloween is for windsurfing" -- so I am going to cut out of here early and catch some glistening, chocolate-covered waves all afternoon.
Before I go, I see my crazy-eyed zoftig birther mama caught some more federal judicial flak today, this time coming from C.D. CA Judge David O. Carter, who wrote:
"Plaintiffs have attacked the judiciary, including every prior court that has dismissed their claim, as unpatriotic and even treasonous for refusing to grant their requests and for adhering to the terms of the Constitution which set forth its jurisdiction. Respecting the constitutional role and jurisdiction of this Court is not unpatriotic."No, it just means you too had a little visit from an olive-skinned Eric Holder lookalike at the courthouse coffeeshop.
(BTW, I had no idea Alan Keyes was a plaintiff in the above suit -- talk about the loony leading the crazy.)
Then we have Hunton & Williams, which filed an odd suit on behalf of the US Chamber of Commerce against some pranksters who spoofed their position on climate change the other day.
You can read Hunton lawyer Richard L. Wyatt Jr.'s masterwork here.
Someone remind me -- what's that new opinion on pleading standards again?
In local news, Coral Springs attorney Scott Salomon was finally disbarred.
He certainly gave us plenty of good material over the years (see here and here) so we wish him (not to mention his former clients) farewell and godspeed.
I don't know about you, but like any good deputy assistant AG, I too have a goody bag of things "just in case." But dude -- in a cemetery?
Guess it is that time of the year.
And like many of you, I thought of some costume ideas so I put a few up there for your consideration -- guess which one I'm going as? (NO HINTS!)
Finally, remember whatever you do this weekend to think young, get a good night's rest, and since it's Halloween, get your blood on.
Have a great weekend everybody!
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