Delhi Government's recent moves for the underprivileged and elderly ...

In a series of Notifications, the 'Department of Social Welfare' of the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi has notified various rules for the underprivileged sections of the society. The Government has notified the following recently;
  1. The Financial Assistance to Persons with Special Needs Rules, 2009
  2. The Old Age Assistance Rules, 2009
  3. The Delhi Family Benefit Scheme Rules, 2009.
As these schemes entail, the Financial Assistance to Persons with Special Needs Rules, 2009 has been notified with the aim;

1. To facilitate the care of children with special needs, acknowledging the high cost of care giving.
2. To facilitate training and employability of persons with disability, so that they may fulfil their role and potential in society and lead a life of dignity.
3. To help ensure survival of the person with special needs and their family.
In this regard the Rules provide for financial assistance is being provided to those carrying various forms of disabilities (as specified in the Rules) to the tune of Rs. 1,000/- per head per month in terms of the Rules. [Have a look at the Notification]

The Old Age Assistance Rules, 2009 are enacted with the underlying objective "to provide social security by way of financial assistance to destitute, old persons, who are without any means of subsistence and nobody is there such position to support them in the evening of their lives." In this regard the Rules provide that those with the age of 60 years and above and not receiving any other assistance may apply for a special allowance to the tune of Rs. 1,000/- per head per month. [Have a look at the Notification]

The Delhi Family Benefit Scheme Rules, 2009 have been notified with a view "to provide social security and financial assistance to the family members’ of deceased primary-bread winner, male or female of a household who are without adequate means of subsistence." This scheme provides that a family benefit of Rs. 10,000 will be paid to a surviving member of the household of the deceased who is ascertained to be the Head of the household after due local enquiry. The payment shall be a ‘one-time payment, lumpsum’ remitted by an account payee cheque. [Have a look at the Notification]

One can only hope that this good step in the right direction will be of some use to the underprivileged.


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