Scotty's Greatest Hits: A Look Back At Rothstein's Real Cases!

Ever wonder how Scott did in court?
You'll need a PACER account but it'll be worth it I promise ya kidzzzz:
Renato Watches:
Scott filed a few cases on behalf of his buddy, Ovadia "Ovi" Levy, Scott's partner in Renato Watches.
One was a trademark case involving the "public face" of Renato Watches on ShopNBC, "Daniel Mink."
Another was a suit against a critic of Renato Watches, Howard Bernstein.
That complaint is here and is a fun read. God those watches seem dreadful (please don't sue!).
Both cases were voluntarily dismissed shortly after filing, indicating they either settled quickly or were "strike suits" and dropped after having (or not having) their intended effect.
Ultimate Cigars:
Scott represented Ultimate Cigars in a cybersquatting case that similarly ended quickly.
That, of course, was before Scott allegedly tried to trap his former client, according to what Bob Norman is reporting here.
Where are all those hush-hush sexual harassment and whistleblower cases that were bringing in all the big bucks?
Must be on Judge Marra's "secret" docket.
In other news, Richard Sharpstein drops a bombshell on Judge Stettin, you can read it (again) over at Bob Norman's blog here.
What the hail is going on in the world?
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