Who's That Man?

You remember Jackson Memorial, horribly mismanaged, misstating revenues by several hundred million, firing 900 employees -- in other words the perfect hospital for sunny South Florida.....
Well it looks like they'll have slightly more on their plate, as the 11th has reversed Judge Lenard's summary judgment involving their fund-raising arm Jackson Memorial Foundation in a vigorously disputed age-discrimination suit.
The opinion is pretty straightforward, though there was this odd footnote:
We deny Mora’s request that this case be reassigned to a different judge on remand. Reassignment is unnecessary.Hey, what's up with that?
Not sure, but the proceedings below did get a little heated at times.
Let's see, first you had that motion for sanctions JMF filed against plaintiff's counsel over a non-confidential deposition transcript provided to the South Florida Business Journal which somehow allegedly "tainted the jury pool."
That's right -- the SFBJ (which I like a lot, don't get me wrong, but it's not exactly at flatbread or pesto wrap or even panini-like levels of popularity).
Then you have the plaintiff filing a motion to compel disclosure of an unnamed mystery JMF "client-attorney," possibly venerable GT lawyer and immediate past JMF chair Alan T. Dimond?
BTW, Magistrate Judge Garber firmly and swiftly denied the sanctions motion (and ordered two sealed documents filed in relation thereto to be destroyed), and Judge Lenard denied the mystery man disclosure motion as moot in light of her granting the now-reversed SJ.
(So is it still moot?)
Better hurry and get that judgment, but either way don't forget to play nice, you knuckleheads!
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