Bad Buddy Cop Movie Fan Files Whistle Blower Suit!

We already know that former Miami budget chief Michael Boudreaux enjoys bad movies -- hail he was one of about 16 people in the nation who actually saw Cop Out in a movie theater -- but now the buddy cop genre aficionado has went ahead and filed a whistleblower suit -- just like Matt Damon in The Informant(!):
Boudreaux, through his blue-eyed lawyer Michael Pizzi, also contends that when he brought these concerns to the City, he was "targeted for ridicule."Boudreaux's eight-page lawsuit said he intended to cooperate with the SEC inquiry -- but was punished for it.
Boudreaux says when he insisted on telling the truth about alleged ``malfeasance'' of former Miami Mayor Manny Diaz, current Mayor Tomás Regalado, former City Manager Pete Hernandez and other top managers, he was terminated to ``discredit him.''
``This complaint concerns the actions of city of Miami officials to punish, smear, and even concoct false allegations of criminal conduct against this dedicated city employee who dared to tell the truth,'' the lawsuit said.
That's just wrong.
You can gently tease him over his movie choices, sure, but when millions of dollars of lost taxpayer money is at stake, maybe you should take his concerns a little more seriously?
Now, if he is passionately defending the merits of Tango and Cash, I can understand a little attitude....
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