SFL Friday -- How Does This Work Again?

Well kids it's just too darned nice out there, so I must head into the deep blue water and immerse myself completely, weightless and suspended in time, as wave after wave of tactile sensations wash over me.......
Oops -- was that out loud?
Yep, it's Friday and there are tons of outdoor activities to keep you busy so I hope you do something useful and productive as well as fun.
What the hail is wrong with ABC? (BTW, you can see the banned ad here).
While I'm at it, what the hail is wrong with the ND IL?
On Thursday, Blagojevich's lawyers asked a federal judge to subpoena the president to testify about questions surrounding the government's allegation that Blagojevich was selling or trading Obama's Senate seat after his election to the White House in November 2008.
"President Barack Obama has direct knowledge of the Senate seat allegation," reads Blagojevich's 11-page motion, filed with U.S. District Judge James B. Zagel.
The court erred when it posted the motion in a pdf file with redactions that could be revealed simply by copying and pasting the blacked-out portions to a plain text file.
Blagojevich attorney Sheldon Sorosky brushed off the error, telling Fox News that he didn't know how the redacted file became viewable, and blaming it on a "low tech guy."
Some news outlets captured the file, which was later removed from the court's website.
This is beyond stupid -- how many times have we been warned about this, yet it manages to happen accidentally on a motion that relates to the President?
Who's in charge of CM/ECF over at the ND IL -- Justice Kennedy?
Before I leave, don't forget to do your part to fight earthquakes, try to act like your favorite married star, and of course get a good night's sleep.
Have a great weekend everybody!
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