Gyokko Ryu : Chu ryaku no Maki 玉虎流 中略の巻

zen               zai         retsu      jin             ui            sha          toh        hyo          rin

(From: Kuji-kiri (九字切り lit. "nine symbolic cuts") is a practice of using hand gestures found today in Shugendō and ShingonMikkyō. It is also present in some ryuha of Japanese martial arts including but not exclusive to schools that have ties with ninjutsu.)

As it says up top we started the Gyokko Ryu : Chu ryaku no Maki 玉虎流 中略の巻.  The Kata all start from 風天護身合掌Fu-ten-go-shin-gassho (pinky and ring finger intertwined), which is fun to try and say 5 times fast. 

We did U-jaku, Seitoh and Dashin, along with two henka of each. 

Most of the Kata ended with a heel kick to the ribs, but at the end of the henka:
 "You can do the kick or not, its the henka."


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